Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Bowl Madness

As we are in the midst of super bowl week I wanted to take time and reflect on just why this has become such a monumental event. If I think hard enough i can remember the first super bowl I watched , um lets see it was 1978 Super Bowl XII Dallas vs. Denver. The game was a blow out and my team lost (Broncos). It was the first of many that I have watched 30 to be exact. I will watch this years Super Bowl not really caring who wins or loses but because I am fascinated by the fanaticism that the game provokes in people. After all we as fans don't actually participate in the games, our existence has no bearing on the outcome of the games. And yet admittedly when our teams win we some how feel connected to that victory as though we had some cosmic bearing on the outcome. I am guilty of such fanaticism and after which feel so stupid that I am so emotionally involved in something I have no control over. (I have thrown my fair share of TV remotes in my day) I think the reason humans become so involved with our teams is that we want to feel connected to something or someone greater than ourselves. So as you watch the Super Bowl this Sun, just remember its just a game!!! And save you TV remote in the process!

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